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     This entire paragraph is just an attempt to downplay the PS3 and MGS  4.


     For starters, Halo Chronicles if it is even shown at E3 is not going to be better than MGS 4.  Secondly, Peter Jackson is not obviously a better director than Hideo Kojima.  He's just an old f*t b*st*rd whose new films, much like M. Night Shymalan's, always turtn out worse than the ones that came before.  If John Woo's Strangehold isn't as good as MGS 4, then there is no way that Peter Jackson's Halo Chronicles would be any better either.




"Their sources said if MGS4 is looked at as the start of fusing cinema and gaming together then Halo Chronicles certainly perfects it. They confirmed ( although we should take with a pinch of salt till E3) that  the same cgi and graphics team that workd on  LOTR trilogy films and  the  Halo 3 trailer below are  working on  the graphics.  And with world reknowned  Director Peter Jackson doing the entire dialogue and  cutscenes himself, without a doubt will be  a fusion to behold.  Lastly they mentioned  that the source  had said it is heavily cutscened  like MGS4. So will probably be more for fans, although Peter Jackson is obviously are far better director than Kojima."