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Two games spring to mind for me that released on PC that were huge for me. One was very impactful and spawned several sequels.
The other was amazing fun, but the studio was wedged by the big Sega/Gearbox drama of the time, as well as Games For Windows Live.  They closed fairly shortly after release.

The impactful game was To The Moon. A very smartly written RPG Maker game about two doctors travelling through an elderly dying man’s memories to solve the mystery of what will let him die happy.

The amazing fun game was Section 8: Prejudice. An amazing multiplayer shooter with a great variety of fun.
Sadly no longer purchasable or playable without GFWL workarounds, but it really was an amazing fun time that nothing else has dared to replicate.

My game of 2011 is Section 8: Prejudice.