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It's happening whether we like it or not, more and more people have given in, you are seeing more digital only consoles, and big stores like Best Buy will no longer carry physical media soon. I'm not a fan, mostly because the less choices we have the higher the prices are going to be. Instead of having 15 stores and ps store/xbox store to check for the best sales we will just have the ps store/xbox store/Nintendo store to check and if they don't want to give you a big enough discount, tough. Nintendo doesn't drop their sales price below $42 for games 3,4,5+ years old, where you can find them for $29.99 or less in stores. Resident Evil 4's big sale on the ps store is $40 and Walmart had it on sale for $30. Cyberpunk was on sale for $8 multiple times at Best Buy, and never less than $20 on the ps store. When you buy a digital game on consoles, there is no returning it if it sucks, selling it and recouping some of your costs if you decide you don't want to play it again, having a friend over that asks hey can I borrow that game from you.