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DonFerrari said:
Zippy6 said:

Unlikely. The best selling game on WiiU sold 8.5m and we know from Switch software sales that BOTW does not sell as well as Mario Kart 8.

Halo 5 sold 5m in 3 months, we got no update after that.

The WiiU was too much of a flop to support sales of BOTW to the extent that Zelda wouldn't have had the Incredible boost in popularity it has had if the game was shackled to that dead weight hardware. Delaying BOTW to their next console was the smartest decision they could have made.

From what I remember Halo 5 never hitted 5M. MS stopped reporting numbers around that time. The most we had was it had a record opening with padding the numbers using the full price of the HW as if revenue for Halo.