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Final Fantasy XVI - 9/10
Diablo IV - 7.5/10
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - 8/10
The Quarry - 7/10
Far Cry 3 - 9/10
Starfield - 6.5/10
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - 9.25/10

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Spider-Man 2 - Great game if we count the main missions. Gameplay is largely the same with the addition of Venom/symbiote powers and with two Spidermen to control and play. The new parry system is a fine addition to the combat and some new tools and suits to unlock and use.  Both stories intertwine and we get a deeper look into Peters story. Downsides are some awful side missions that; not only slow and pointless, but also a lot have forced politics/inclusion heavy-handidly thrown in there, don't need that in my games tyvm. The stealth missions were laughably bad as well as with SM1. Aside from a few minor gripes really like this one, from the story to swinging and kicking through NYC 8.5/10 

MW3 campaign - a passable Call of Duty. Its short, okay shooter if a little rushed. Didn't enjoy the Warzone like levels; with a lot of swappable weapons but the other scenarios and levels to shoot through were quite enjoyable, if forgettable. The story is as what you'd expect from Hollywood-esque  soldiers from all over saving the world, with a few interesting bits thrown in and some changes from the original. 6.5/10

MW3 multiplayer - great MP, let down by a lack of new maps.. With the return to longer TTK, customisation options with subclasses and makes it way better than its precessor and that's before you look into the maps. Sadly while the maps are great to play in and rediscover.. MW3 is really lacking in new, origional maps and borrows a little too much from its roots from MW2 (2009). 8/10

Super Mario Wonder - Where to start.. well its what you'd expect from a 2D Mario. Its a enjoyable game, if a little unamblitious and to the numbers. With a few more powerups and new ablities you can unlock with completing them. The new bubble ability is pretty much OP and all you'd need.. aside from the drill that is a required to get through some levels. The new mechanic; Wonder seeds is okay if gimmicky. They are scattered around the levels, that basically warp the world around Mario until you find it; which reminds me of a Sonic CD time warp. And that can make for some trippy an interesting moments. Though not much else to expect from your average modern 2D Mario. Challenging in the later levels which frankly, can lead to quite a few cheap deaths (especialy the insta kill levels) but overall.. Wonder is fairly easy-going and so-not-hard game to jump around and have bit of fun in short bursts. Decent, but missing that Mario magic. 8/10

Last edited by hinch - on 18 November 2023