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Dang NSMBW really is not loved by many, a Mario game near the bottom of a poll on here :o

It was just OK, fun in multiplayer but didn't grab me in single player either

Shaking the wii mote as input also sucked, Mario with imprecise controls, no thanks.

@HoloDust Yes Machinarium, that was awesome. Reminds me I still haven't finished Creaks. We were playing it together and something came up and it kinda slipped between the cracks. I'm keeping my eye on Phonopolis (or rather keeping it in my wishlist).

Amanita design hasn't disappointed me yet.

Vodacixi said:

Oh well... I will say Wii Fit Plus. Terrific game, no joke. I remember playing it with my family... and it was A BLAST. Even better than Wii Sports/Resort. So many games and exercices...

Also, during the pandemic it helped me loose 25kg! I went from 90kg to 65. All thanks to Wii Fit Plus and eating less. Forever grateful to this little game and the Balance Board ^^

I got Wii Fit Plus for the Wii, which seamlessly upgraded to Wii U later. It got me into a regular exercise routine and while not using the game anymore I still do a lot of the strength exercises with weights added, as well as some of the yoga / stretch ones. I Still use the balance board for push up & plank, better on the wrists yet it long ago stopped working. I didn't need to lose weight myself but it was interesting to see how my weight steadily fluctuated over the years, lowest in October, highest in March.

The games were fun in it as well and Shaun White Snowboarding was awesome with the balance board (half pipe challenges really made you sweat).

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 17 November 2023