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sc94597 said:

And my point was that you don't need to be targeting 1440p for VRAM to be an issue or bottleneck. Which is why you said "reducing it's need" and not "eliminating its need."  Posted it in another comment as you posted your response, but the RTX 3050 6GB (Refresh) outperforms the RTX 3050 ti 4GB at 1080p in the majority of modern titles, despite having less memory bandwidth (192 GB/s for 3050ti vs. 144 GB/s 3050 6GB), and an average of 50 Mhz lower max clock speeds at a given TDP. That is purely because of the extra VRAM capacity. 

Correct. 1440P doesn't need to be the target for a VRAM bottleneck.

That wasn't my argument.

As for the 3050 4GB vs 6GB.

Keep in mind the 4GB actually has a 128bit memory bus (4x 32bit) and the 6GB model has a 96bit memory bus (3x 32bit) and in very bandwidth-demanding scenarios, the 4GB card can actually be faster depending on the demands of the software.

However, if everything is not kept equal...
3050 6GB - 2560 Cuda Cores @ 1237Mhz
3050 4GB - 2048 Cuda Cores @ 1237Mhz

Then the 6GB part is the obvious winner by sheer increase in functional processing units.

The 3050Ti will often show a sizable advantage over the 6GB variant due to it's higher levels of bandwidth, especially when a ton of alpha effects are being used.

sc94597 said:

Sure, and there are many instances of games (especially those released this year) where it becomes the primary bottleneck, even at 1080p. It won't be able to utilize 8/16GB, but 6GB is becoming the minimum for 1080p gaming these days. A 2050 likely will be able to utilize at least a portion of that. 

A high probability that 1080P is not the target.

sc94597 said:

How much VRAM did the original Switch use? What sort of features do you think Nintendo will add that will make the Switch 2's OS consume more memory? Memory-usage is directly proportional to the feature-set of the OS (assuming efficiency isn't very different.) Microsoft (with Windows and Xbox) and Sony have a plethora of features in their base OS, Nintendo far f.ewer. 

The original Switch came with 4GB of Ram.
1GB of Ram was used for the OS/Background tasks leaving 3GB for games.

Yet... Hogwarts legacy is running in that 3GB of Ram pool.

I'll let you draw the conclusion for that one.

sc94597 said:

Again, the 3050ti vs. 3050 6GB example shows that VRAM capacity (6GB vs. 4GB) can lead to higher performance than VRAM bandwidth (192 GB/s vs. 144 GB/s)

The 3050 6GB vs 3050Ti.

It also showcases that the 3050 Ti 4GB thanks to it's higher levels of bandwidth, can outperform the 6GB card.

Which brings me back to my original point about developers building their software for the hardware environment... And also brings me back to my original point that more than 4GB of VRAM is not super important in the grand scheme of things in these low-end GPU's.

The fact is... A 2050 4GB is going to be roughly as powerful as the Tegra in the Switch 2.0.

You aren't going to get much more than that as it's not financially responsible.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--