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konnichiwa said:
DroidKnight said:

Out of curiosity, what if anything, is it that you enjoy about Xbox?  

Less and less, being part of the huge gears of war community and see how fans/Streamers/contractors got treated still bugs me but it continuously happens over and over again, see how Maximillian and the KI fans are treated recently as an example.

Anyway with Xbox becoming less important (Except if MS invest heavenly I believe next year many stores around the world will stop carrying xbox consoles/games).

It honestly makes more and more sense that developpers don't need xbox and we really should be thankfull instead for devs still releasing an xbox version.

Edit: Just want to note, more xbox hate is also because more xbox games got released. Their isn't that much for that MC game/Hi fi rush/Age of empires etc...

Stores have carried system with far less activity than Xbox so that's not a thing. Especially with dedicated video game store always under increasing treat of becoming the next blockbuster. The last thing they want is to piss off the owner of CoD to the point they announce going full digital for their next title. Add to that the fact PlayStation is now focusing heavily on GaaS which bring less revenue to stores and your left hard press to find anything supporting them suddenly not carrying Xbox altogether. Also didn't you saw the Xbox making the largest video game investment ever this very year? 

It honestly makes more and more sense that developpers don't need xbox and we really should be thankfull instead for devs still releasing an xbox version.

This is quite a ludicrous statement especially giving the amount of third party support Xbox got in the CMA challenge and how some of them mentioned Xbox actually being a bigger share of their revenue by being better exposed on their store. The pool of Xbox users is also large enough that it won't be overlook by anything AAA unless by exclusivity dealings, the ease of port from PC also a factor that makes it harder to overlook the platform.

Xbox got more hate this year because large crowd resent recent Xbox activities. Xbox Acquisitions and highly probable resulting elevated success is enough that they felt threaten in their choice and in need to reassure themselves by trashing Xbox and seeing other likewise insecure "gamers" echoes their tainted statement.