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GoW:R sales were huge.

5.1 million in its first week since launch, growing up to 11 million within 10 weeks - so as of Jan. 18th, 2023.

I cautiously estimate the sales likely to be sitting at 15 million by now. One could have a good argument that it's even underestimated. And then there is still a PC release very likely to happen.

I actually wouldn't be suprised if even Spiderman 2 sales have a hard time beating GoW:R sales when being aligned - then again you'd have to consider Spiderman 2 is on PS5 only.

As for the PS5 in general:

I can't wait for the upcoming estimates for October, November and December.

I believe it to be very likely Sony will be able to report new record numbers for their fiscal Q3 once the year is over.

Although I right now perceive Sony to not be acting up to their full potential and risking to market the Playstation brand the slightly the wrong way (PS Plus price hike, Playstation Portal not supporting cloud streaming, Playstation Studios feel like being distracted), I still think you'd have to give it to them for their on-going effort.

We've seen the PS5 being revised regularly, PSVR2 + VR updated games, good system software updates, First Party games, the new Inzone brand flanking the PS5 - Sony has done pretty much within the first three years.

Sorry for the poke, but especially compared to the Xbox Series brand. Which does matter.