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What a year. So many good-to-great-to-epic games. Other than Zelda on the DS being a colossal disappointment, 2007 has always stood out as one of the best years of gaming for me, much like this year actually. Also the year I was most into Guitar Hero too.

My top four games have metacritic scores from 94 - 97, and for good reason. Any one of them could have easily won GOTY on their own:

4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) - Smooth gameplay and a great campaign. Lots of fun with this on the 360.

3. God of War 2 (PS2) - Everything that was great about the first game, but better, and without that one level that sucked (yeah, that one). Incredible bosses and fantastic level design, the PS2 went out strong in its 7th year with my favorite game in the series.

2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) - Finally, 3D Mario meets 60fps goodness, along with spherical worlds and some amazing gravity effects. Boss battles were at a whole other level too, and while it’s not quite as good to me as its sequel would end up being, this is where the magic started.

1. Bioshock (Xbox 360) - I made my friend download the demo on his 360 the day it released and we were both completely floored. I finished the game twice on his 360, bought it when it released on PS3 and then again on PS4 and Switch. While the gunplay in the game is nothing special, the plasmids are what make the gameplay interesting and the whole upgrade system is great. Bioshock is the perfect game to reference when making a case for games being art. A wonderfully realized world, brought to life with amazing details and some of the best voice acting I’ve heard in any medium, with characters and a story that you remember forever.

EDIT:  Completely forgot about Picross DS!  This game would be a close third after Galaxy and I don't care if it messes up my aforementioned meta average.  Picross' debut on the DS was fantastic as the touch screen made input and navigation of large puzzles infinitely easier, and as a result, made the game so much better than before.  Far and away my favorite puzzle game of all time.

Last edited by archbrix - on 21 November 2023