Updated with numbers through September 30, 2023! Switch Sports has officially joined the list, giving us an even 60 (and giving Switch an even 20). Switch has more 10 million sellers than DS & Wii combined, though total sales still lag both of those combined (that should definitely change soon).
The holiday update should add some big milestones, with TOTK & SMP almost certainly passing 20m. Also, maybe SV will pass GS this holiday. It does suck that TOTK didn't even sell 1 million last quarter, but I still have faith that it can reach 30m.
3DS games notched up ever so slightly (impressive since the eShop was shut down). I wonder if ORAS will actually surpass Yellow.
Where do you think Wonder will land on the list in its debut quarter (I think it's pretty obvious the game will be at least a 10m seller at the end of the year)? Originally, I thought it would explode like SV did last year, but now I'm thinking it will do about 15 or 16m by the end of the year. Still huge numbers.