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Many of the users here are likely familiar with the Zero Punctuation series by Yahtzee Croshaw. It been running weekly since circa 2007/2008 on The Escapist and infamously is the origin of the PC Master Race meme.

Yesterday, Yahtzee announced he had quit the site following the editor getting fired. As he stated that The Escapist's retain the rights to ZP it leaves the series in an awkward place. Yahtzee is almost certain to start a new video series and there's now word on ZP being cancelled, but realistically it can't continue without Yahtzee.

Pretty much the end of an era.

Update: Yahtzee’s news series, Fully Ramblomatic, begins today as a direct successor to ZP. Link to the premiere below.

Last edited by SecondWar - on 15 November 2023