Machiavellian said:
Not sure how you can believe it will not lead to more ads. First MS introduced the Ad tile or I should say multiple Ad tiles which cannot be adjusted or removed. Then their latest update removed your custom setup for more ads limiting your ability to customize the interface to your liking and controlling the console menu even more. Now we have full screen ads just popping up without any opt in which is my biggest issue. Its not that you like these ads which is fine but I do not and I get no say in the matter so now the console experience continue to degrade for me as each new update removes my ability to get where I want to go or get to what I want to get to on the console. There is no reason why MS will not continue even more intrusive measures because that is how big corp works. |
Well, if you could disable ads, the majority of people would do it and them ads would become irrelevant :)
I mean I'm using ads for some of my stuff and if people could simply disable them (or use an ad blocker); it would suck :D But I understand your point, really. I'm not agree with it because I have really no issue whatsoever with ads and I see it (esp. in that particular case) as a beneficial thing (for the user) to inform them about something related to their console/platform; for me it is by no mean, degrading the experience, quite the opposite. But I def. see from you are coming from.
Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 04 November 2023