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Bought and finished both.

Really liked both but not quite as much as other people.

For Spider-man, I think it's good but not as good as the first one. The main campaign is great but a bit less tight than the first go around. I was really hoping for an improvement on the sidequests and open world element and that really didn't happen. I think they're getting to the point where they need to change up the formula, so hopefully that happens in the future. It's getting to the point where it's kind of like gaming comfort food where I know I'll have a good time, but it's not going to blow me away.

Mario Wonder is just a really good platformer. I really have no complaints. I'm just not getting how it's vastly better than other 2D platformers. I haven't done the bonus optional levels which tend to have the best ideas in Mario games, so maybe those will put it over the top.