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As a Ps5 owner I just want to say that I wish I hadn't bought this thing. I originally bought it because I'm a dumb and thought that Elden ring was a ps5/Xbox series exclusive, only to find out it was a ps4 game. I was pulled in by the idea/promise of VR exclusives, but nothing I've played has been worth it to me. I think I'm at that age where I'm more interested in spending my time playing games that invoke nostalgia (for me super Mario rpg remake is my most anticipated game) than playing all new releases.

Or maybe I'm just a fool for trying to go outside of Nintendo for my gaming experiences. I tried playing the new Spiderman game and was just so bored. It felt like everything was scripted, idk how to explain it.

Normally I wouldn't share all this but my dog died earlier today and I've been drinking and feeling weird all day.

I love everyone out there reading this, but believe that nothing (except trying to make your corner of the world better/happier) matters even on the best days.

I'm guessing this is off topic, since I can't even remember where this started. Sorry. Hope everyone's doing alright that's reading this.

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery