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/*wow, what a bad example. Because...FF X isn't relevant anymore (there isn't a FF X-3 coming out for the Wii or whatever)? Porting KH1/2 Final Mixes would be a good move because Wii fans who haven't played KH1/2 could understand the story so far can play them while anticipating KH3, plus whoever wanted Final Mixes localized...there ya go! FMs only have...a few extras so porting would take little money and get them a lot of money because there's likely many Wii fans who have never played it. Heck, I'd buy KH2 FM for the extras + the CoM remake (never played CoM). With a budget price, say $30 that would be a VERY smart move. */


would be good just if they actually making a kh3 for the wii, but they aren't,

they haven't announced a final mix port, and will not do... the effort to port such huge games is monumental, a smart move maybe, but would be better to begin working on kh3 to a established fanbase that will likely buy the game, than wii fans who have never played kh series.

porting such huge games is not likely to square enix, ffx was the example because of the length of the game, mips cpu and codes engine, not because a ff x-3 was comming.

you can see small ps2 games port to the wii, that are around 10 but never such a huge one as kingdom hearts with so many cutscenes.


if not money they problem but the effort, have you ever try to run a mips made engine on powerpc one?

if possible with little effort in games with less than 30 hours of playability, but games like kingdom hearts with 30-70hrs its not as easy.

 i knew okami was going to be a reply, but okami isn't such a long game, doesn't have many cutscenes or kingdom hearts or final fantasy.

 also that port was not made by clovers, but rather ready at dawn + capcom.. also it lacks many enhancements of the ps2 version

i seriously think square will support the wii and DS someone, but i think more like new IP like the world end with you with for the DS and dragon quest series.