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Doctor_MG said:

I just don't understand the focus on buying studios. You can partner with a studio just fine without having to buy them. Nintendo does this all the time with a lot of success.


are we…. are we talking about the same Nintendo who created monumental video game history with “Rare”, didn’t make them an official member of the Nintendo Family, then got Rare SNATCHED from them in a bidding war in 2002?

Gamecube was out for 1 year, then "Rare" got HUSTLED off Nintendo 1 DAY AFTER “Star Fox Adventures” released

Are we talking about the same FRIENDLY ass Nintendo that talked about having strong “Partnerships” with companies that said “ Nintendo doesn’t understand that their future lies OFF their own hardware”?,Bowser%20said%20in%20the%20interview.

^^ This FRIENDLY ass shit is what made me a believer that Nintendo will get acquired 1 day. 

I’m not trying to here anything Nintendo and their FRIENDLY ass’s has to say regarding “Acquisitions”