Tsaryov’s Telegram channel, citing family, says he was shot two times and by the time the ambulance arrived was unconscious and had lost a lot of blood.https://t.co/LWKTMlbWFz
— Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) October 27, 2023
🇺🇸 Kirby: "We have information that Russian troops are indeed executing soldiers who refuse to obey orders. We also have information that Russian commanders threaten to shoot entire units if they try to retreat under Ukrainian artillery fire"
— MAKS 23 👀🇺🇦 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) October 27, 2023
Ukraine war orders starting to boost revenues for big US defense contractors | Reuters
Orbán’s Putin handshake was ‘middle finger’ to dying Ukrainians, says Xavier Bettel – POLITICO