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Zkuq said:
JEMC said:

Skyrim's retired lead designer says anything other than the 'Bethesda usual' has to be approved by Todd Howard: 'He doesn't believe it's true, but unfortunately it's true'
Liked Starfield? Hated Starfield? You probably have Todd Howard to thank. A recent chat between MinnMax and Skyrim lead designer Bruce Nesmith shed some light on Bethesda's structure and organisation, and it sure sounds like pretty much every choice the company makes needs Howard's stamp of approval before it can go ahead, even as it's grown bigger over the years. To be fair to Howard, though, it sounds like that's in spite of his own wishes.

No wonder Starfield feels like such a relatively risk-free game, despite being a new IP. Anyway, I liked this part myself:

Kirkbride wanted to fill Morrowind with strange monsters, but knew anything too out-there would scare off his boss. So what he did was draw two versions of every monster: "the one that was weird… and then one that was fucking crazy," he'd show Howard the second one, get rejected, and then come back with the first, which would invariably be accepted into the game simply because it seemed so much more normal by comparison.

Also explains why the Magicka systems were slowly getting fucked over the iterations of ES, because Todd himself is an admitted fan of Barbarian class/style of combat, none of which involves magicka, so his input on that system was basically useless. 

I hated how we've gone from hand crafting and mixing spells and having tons of said spells to use in ES, to what we had in Skyrim, which was far, far less (also without one specific mod for Skyrim, Ai can still auto dodge spell projectiles, which is utter tripe for AI to do). 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"