Tina has been one of the best recent Xbox hires, I think both Developer Direct and Partner Showcase have brilliant formats whilst at the same time they're a bit different from each other, Developer Direct is more personal and a more in depth dive to a fewer range of games with developers speaking over them, the Partner Direct is more games on a quicker pace but the pacing is perfect and there's a nice variety, the graphics are lovely too.
With a little tweaking both of these formats can exist side-by-side and be 10/10 formats.
Partner Preview could have done with one or two bigger reveals (like BG3 date) but it was a solid first attempt and Tina can only work with what games that marketing gives her and from that standpoint I liked the variety and there were a few good looking games but it could do with a surprise or two. Maybe Square could have tossed them something, Lol
- Infinite Wealth, Ikaro, Still Wakes The Deep, MGS, Alan Wake 2 all looked good.
- Ark *looks* good but it's Ark so it's going to run like absolute shit.
- The Final's destruction looks crazy good but not my type of game.