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KratosLives said:
chakkra said:

I think Microsoft's biggest game this gen is actually FH5. That game is on a trajectory to finish its run with more than 50m players. I don't think Starfield will be able to top it when it is all said and done; maybe ES6 could.

And about Starfield not being nominated being a slap, nah.. that slap already happened when they nominated Stray, and not only a slap to Microsoft, but to all the developers out there. When you look at how many awards that game got overall, you really start to wonder, who the heck are these judges who vote on the TGA? Heck, even Inmortality got more awards than Stray overall. 

Stray was a better game than starfield. For it's theme , what it set out to achieve, it was great experience. Some peole like playing games that offer something new, and not the same thing over with flashier graphics. Starfield for all the hype and importance of a game release, did not live to the expectations. Game is flawed in many areas. Maybe after dlc and patches down the road it can get to beings the game tod had envisiononed. As of now, most of the game feels shallow, empty. Doesn't even feel up to last gen standards.  

Oh, really? I guess that's why Starfield is STILL the 2nd most played single-player game on the entire planet. I guess people just love to walk around in shallow and empty games.

And I guess that makes Stray better than Spiderman 2 (and HFW) as well since, you know, people "like playing games that offer something new, and not the same thing over with flashier graphics".