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Spade said:

Spiderman 2 spoilers...


Wasn't a big fan of seeing maybe OG Spiderman retiring. Didn't know who Cindy was, until I looked her up. Maybe she'll be a secondary spiderman to Miles. 3rd game definitely has my interest more than Horizon's 3rd game. 

Also was disappointed with the lack of black cat... Hopefully DLC for her. 

Spoiler text.Oh we know OG Spidey will be back. They teased Carnage for the next one and who else has symbiote powers to combat him. Peter. Even if it comes half way or late game. Peter will be back. Esp with Green Goblin finally happening. Save Harry kill Norman I bet is the end result. Also could be them explaining peter going to the alternate verse in Across.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!