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LudicrousSpeed Said:

They aren't pushing GamePass above all else, though. They have said GamePass is around 10-15% of their business and that it will remain that way. They also have very high revenue and make a lot of money from Xbox, so where does this "disaster" come from? You seem to be under the assumption that if you aren't selling the most consoles, you aren't making any money.

They said it was 10%-15% did they?  Well that's funny because that's not what the court said in the Epic VS Apple court case.  In fact it was the very oppisit:


LudicrousSpeed Said:

Good, please don't link that video again. The "math" in the video is horrible and demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of math and of business. You brush off the fact that MS has confirmed GamePass is profitable by essentially saying "its not profitable, trust me bro". You go on to explain that it can't be profitable because Microsoft has spent billions on acquisitions. That's... not how business works.

If you dispute my maths, then show your workings out.  Because it's you that's using the "Trust me bro" line to attempt to dispute it.

And you fell for the oldest PR trick in the book.  Let me guess, you saw "news" stories like THIS and took it at face value and didn't apply any critical thinking.  Phil says Game Pass is profitable for them, but doesn't actually mention a time frame.

So was it profitable that day?  That month?  That year?  Anything is profitable if so have a narrow enough time frame.  And has I showed in my video, how much that Microsoft has spent on getting Game Pass to where it is right now, will take them at least 12 years to make.  So in what world is that a profit?

You can sit here and say "but Microsoft had that cash on hand so it's not an expense".  That's not how business works.  they had $7.6 Billion on hand for the Nokia deal to make Windows phone a thing.  But when Windows phone didn't take off that soon went south.  Or was that not a loss either?

LudicrousSpeed Said:

So you say they can't find a good footing on PC because of Steam, and then go on to say PC is the only place GamePass will exist? Also, Microsoft's titles already see releases on Steam.

Yes, GamePass will not overtake Steam as the primary way PC gamers play Microsoft Studio games.  Obviously GamePass is not going away from PC, but it's not going to see enough user growth on the PC platform for them to be able stop putting their games on Steam as well.

Also yes, GamePass will only live on PC by 2027 when I believe Microsoft will retire from the console space.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.