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TruckOSaurus said:
Wman1996 said:

This is going to be the first 2D Mario game since Super Mario World to be a GOTY contender and probably even top at least a few lists.
I'm only on W2, but the game is oozing with fun and charm.

That's another thing, usually World 1 in Mario games is kinda boring because it's plain and easy, but in this game it's amazing from the get-go.

Too easy first world for me. Cool and all but too easy to get much out of the first world. Starting to get better after World 1 though. Hoping the difficulty keeps cranking up. So far for me the game is cool but it needs to up the challenge the rest of the game for it to turn into something special. Hoping its a Mario+Rabbids situation where the first world showed the game was cool but was wayyy too easy to get much out of it, but then the difficulty kept ramping up rest of the game and the second half of the game was amazing. If Wonder can be like that I'll be happy enough with the game. Right now I'm liking the game a tiny bit more with each passing level. If I remember correctly 3D world was like that too, I wasn't that impressed by 3D World a couple hours in but by the end of the game it was maybe my favorite 2D-style Mario ever, right up there with SMW and SMB3.

But even so far just a bit into Wonder the changes and new things and vibrancy of the game already makes it better than NSMBUD. This is the game they should have launched the WiiU with over a decade ago haha. Crazy we had to wait so long to get a creative new 2D Mario game.