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Mummelmann said:

Deserves it the most; BG3. Will actually win the most; Zelda. And the wheels keep on turning. Personally, I don't care as it doesn't affect my enjoyment of games one iota, but I would love for Larian to get even more widespread recognition for flying directly in the face of destructive, industry-wide habits and trends.

What exactly are those trends? Just curious cause I hear that a lot about BG3 yet don't experience any difference from Spider Man 2, TotK and Wonder while all those games released in a much better state.

Ahh, this explains where it came from
Just mostly more social media nonsense, but true no MTX in BG3.

BG3 is no unicorn in my eyes, the conversion to console is poorly done, accessibility options are mostly absent, no physical release, and lots of issues with Act 3.

I gave up on the game after 15 hours due to UI, control and camera issues so never even got to Act 2. (We also tried for 3 hours in split-screen, was much worse) From what I've played it was all over the place. Character interactions are done well yet story pacing was a mess. AI of companions sucks so switching to turn based mode with traps around is basically a must. I'm still interested in playing more but will wait for patches and play more polished, finished games first.

Anyway I wish Larian the best of luck and hope they can fix and finish the game with the same passion and work ethic. And not let the sudden 'internet darling' praise get to their heads like CDPR cause we all know what that led to :/ Larian definitely deserves praise for what they have accomplished, yet so does Nintendo with the wizardry on Switch and Insomniac for actually delivering on the next-gen promise of eliminating loading times, putting meaningful ray tracing in games and pushing accessibility options further forward.