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I've been playing Mario Wonder today. While it's great, TotK easily remains my goty for 2023.

BG3 is on the next to uninstall list if I need more room. It just doesn't work very well on console. In split-screen it's 5/10, bad experience (we tried for 3 hours to get on with it). Before that I played by myself for over 10 hours, mixed feelings. Some things are great, camera, UI and controls suck. It's probably a lot better with KB+Mouse yet I'm also not really getting a Baldur's Gate vibe from it. Maybe from the way I have been exploring, it all feels very disjointed and a party limit of 4 is disappointing, 7/10 for single player on PS5. It's now at the bottom of my list for maybe picking it up again later.

Spider-Man 2 is installed, might try tonight. Kinda more interested to continue with Paradise Hotel and The 7th Guest on PSVR2 atm.