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Spade said:

Mario 90 meta, and Spooderman 90 meta... where Xbox's... jk. 89 close enough
What an amazing year for games though. Starfield definitely out of GOTY award contention probs. RIP.

We unironically have people crying about a 1 point difference in other forums so it's not a joke for some

Yeah it's been an amazing year for all 3 platforms, Xbox had a number of great titles this year (Hi-Fi Rush, Forza Motorsport, Starfield). Missed the 90 mark by 1 point but who gives a shit, Lol. Obsession is 90+ is damaging to this industry because gamers take it too far like most other things.

Anyway, Starfield is my GOTY thus far but my hot take is that Hi-Fi Rush deserves a nomination more, I just feel like Tango would be over the moon with a nomination, Bethesda will be as well but they've had plenty of GOTY noms in the past, Lol. Tango did something really special with Hi-Fi Rush and something completely different to what they're used to, Starfield is a new IP but it's very much a Bethesda RPG still. Idk.

I know it won't get a nom though, it'll be snubbed and we'll have the 20th Resident Evil 4 Remake/Remaster taking the spot from a new IP.