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Ryuu96 said:

Avalanche Studios Opens New Studio in Montreal, Canada

I still believe that Bethesda should have acquired Avalanche when they had the chance. Their ability to expand surprises me, if only because they haven't really released anything major, they had Mad Max and Just Cause 3 in 2015 but neither were exactly huge sellers, then Just Cause 4 in 2018 was a bomb, Rage in 2019 didn't exactly set the charts on fire.

Despite this fairly average level of success, they have over 500 employees and now 5+ studios across the world, Lol.

And honestly if I had to pick, I would have been more interested in more Rage than Contraband, I think in comparison to other publishers, Bethesda is small as well, they need another studio or two making original content for any dry seasons, alongside that, Avalanche would have been a strong support for Bethesda if they needed it.

I wanted MS to snag them since they would have been perfect for Gamepass. They got bought for only 150 million back in 2018, idk if Nordisk Film would sell them since it's their biggest studio though. People Can Fly are similar studio that is comparable in size/expansion, MS has exclusives with both so hopefully they can grab one of them.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 17 October 2023