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It was a brilliant week for Infinite, since Pierre took over it has been positive after positive but this Season 5 feels a lot more anticipated than others, it's lovely to see the positive vibes around Halo again, new leadership really doing great stuff, first Pierre saves MCC and now Infinite? Remains to be seen if it can recover but honestly if Firefight can't do it then I don't think anything can, Infinite absolutely does not have a content issue anymore and plenty of other games have recovered from far worse. Even if it can't, I would want to see 343 continue to support it for a number of years, if only to show their commitment to the hardcore for the next Halo developed by them.

I'm definitely popping in to check out Firefight!

I'll likely pop in tomorrow as well just to check out Forge AI, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 October 2023