theRepublic said:
EpicRandy said:
I don't know about other members of the BOD to be honest and it's hard to pin causes on individuals for a decision that was allowed by the collective supported by the CEO. As such would not know how to evaluate change as improvement or not in this regards. And I believe, that it would be the same for most unity users.
However, I'm interested to know who will replace Riccitiello because he should be able challenge the BOD when their interest is too shortsighted if he isn't himself like it was the case for Riccitiello.
Check this post:
Ho, I see now, than we can only hope a massive screw up like this and losing close to 25% of their value will temper their intrusiveness / shortsightedness and allow a competent CEO to have more weigh in decision making.
Let's also hope that, by witnessing how unity's customer are the actual ultimate decision makers the 'like to act bossy and disregard basic logic' rats will leaves by revisng their portfolio of Unity Stock.