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As someone that didn't own a Playstation system until the PS2, I didn't get to play games like Final Fantasy 7 and SOTN until I played them on the backwards compatible PS2 years later. SOTN I've tried to get into multiple times over the years, and never get more than an hour or so into it before I decided to play something else. Final Fantasy 7, I played about 5 or so hours of, and didn't like it as the graphics were pretty rough by the time I played it. I came back to it a year or so later and enjoyed it. That being said, I thought Final Fantasy IX, IV, and VI were all better Final Fantasy games than VII. I didn't play Grandia until a few years ago when I played the remaster on the Switch, and was surprised that I actually enjoyed that game more than I did Final Fantasy VII. Star Fox was incredible at the time, especially with the new rumble pack included. It is a bit too short to pick as my winner. My pick is easily GoldenEye, I played that game with my friends and neighbors for at least 2 years, and probably played it for 300+ hours easily. We had the rules like no one could be Oddjob, and I remember pissing off one our neighbors, because he wasn't very good at the game, and we would kill him and as soon as he re-spawned, we would be say I know where you are.