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Mario 64 running away with it is certainly no surprise, but man this victory is emphatic. It is certainly deserved though, the game truly revolutionised and popularised 3D gaming. Not just that, but it's alsl incredible and holds up to this day.

Still, I decided to go with Pokemon, mostly because SM64 certainly doesn't need my vote, but also because we shouldn't forget that Pokemon has been massively impactful in its own right by spawning the highest grossing media franchise of all time and kickstarting Pokemania. I also think the game holds up well, especially for a Gameboy gameand those og 151 will always be the goats. Definitely disadvantaged as a handheld game in this poll.

Elsewhere, I feel like the SNES capped things off very nicely with Super Mario RPG and a couple Japan only RPGs like Star Ocean and Bahamut Lagoon.

The PS1 started to pick up with the likes of Crash and Wild Arms being standouts (Tomb Raided was multiplat with Saturn!)

Finally, the Saturn had a great year and was probably the strongest platform overall imo. The likes of Nights into Dreams, Guardian Heroes, Dragon Force, and Panzer Dragoon Zwei and all amongst the greatest games of the generation and its a shame to see the latter 3 not even mentioned in the OP :( But alas, such is the fate of Saturn games here in the West... eternally overlooked