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This is when the 'Golden Age of Gaming' gets into gear.

Some great stuff in 1995. Yoshi's Island, Warcraft II, Dark Forces (Dark Forces should've been in the main poll in my opinion, ahead of like, Twisted Metal or something) and Caesar II were my favourites. Command & Conquer of course, I played that some as well. Then there's Donkey Kong Country, which like the first one didn't fully click with me but is obviously good. Chrono Trigger which like Final Fantasy wasn't a thing in Europe so I didn't know it existed but that is lauded of course.

Still, even with a whole bunch of all-time favourites in this year this is an easy choice for me. Warcraft II and Dark Forces would've won most other years for me, but Yoshi's Island is if you asked me the greatest 2D-Platformer ever made, and the number 4 on my all-time Top 50. It is brilliant with perfect platforming, absolutely gorgeous and still one of the prettiest games in existence.

So yeah, Yoshi's Island.