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This was such a banging year... But as a PC gamer it is extremely hard for me to walk past Descent.

It's also a sad reminder of how dead the franchise is these days, despite being such a brilliant game.

SvennoJ said:

DOS gaming mostly just worked. Sure you had some config.sys and autoexec.bat things to configure, but that was nothing compared to the frequent crashes and incompatibilities with early DirectX and openGL.

Just run Memmaker for DOS.

I am running a Windows 98SE retro computer with a 3DFX Voodoo 2+Radeon 9500Pro as my retro PC... Once you get around all the little nuances and limitations, it's actually a solid platform.
I don't get many crashes. The API's (Glide, DirectX and OpenGL) aren't the source of crashes.

It's when you do stupid shit like ejecting the DVD Rom drive while it's accessing the DVD that you will get a blue-screen and a crash.

SvennoJ said:

Windows 95 and 98 were horrible for gaming, it got better with Windows XP. Windows NT drove me crazy with all the updates but at least had a good interface and was very stable. Windows 8 yuck, now I'm on 10 and had to disable updates as it's broken again. Win 11 doesn't look any better. (Win 10 was supposed to be the last one?) My next desktop/laptop will be a Mac, no more Windows. It's the same every time, works the first year, starts slowing down the next couple years, becomes a pita by year 4.

Windows NT was on the market around 1993, so before Windows 95... But it wasn't until around Windows NT 4.0 that it started to adopt the foundations that would define Windows 2000/XP and the modern operating systems of today.

It was always a far more stable OS, but it also had far less compatibility with software and hardware, which was actually a massive issue with Windows XP when that OS released... Thankfully after many years/decades on the market, Windows XP ended up being supported by everything eventually. (Minus older software.)

Windows 8 was a great OS. Just not for desktops, I had it on my convertible tablet/laptop and it was a brilliant OS.

If you are getting slow-down with your system after a few years, you are likely the issue, it's simply not a thing anymore... And if you are worried about compatibility, then you are definitely going to have a fun time with a Mac.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 08 October 2023

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--