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SvennoJ said:
Mnementh said:

I never actually played Full Throttle, it is in my backlog. And if you look in my TOP 50 you see that Star Wars and Jagged Alliance rank higher than Descent, although Descent also charted. Worms missed my TOP 50, it is currently at 79. So yeah, all four games are really high in my books and it was a difficult choice, but I gave it to Jagged Alliance, because you missed it in your listings.

These threads made me realize how niche strategy games always were, and how popular jrpgs are/were. Of course strategy games never really caught on on consoles, just not suited to a controller. I've never been a big fan of JRPGs, did enjoy some of the Final Fantasy games, couldn't get into Xenogears, Persona, Dragon Quest. Only Ni No Kuni clicked thanks to Ghibli being involved.

I missed Jagged Alliance at the time, loos like a great game!

I defiantly think access to PC vs Console is a factor.  I turned 12 in 1995 so am 9 years younger then you which means for most part every game I voted for so for on all these lists I did not play on release.  I always loved PC gaming but it was not till 2000 that PC gaming became my primary choice over console for one very simple reason.  Until 2000 I had to play in the basement on my parents computer while starting in 1995 I had a tv in my room and a SNES.  In 1996 I also had a PlayStation.  I did not have my own computer that was not my parents till 2000.  Sure I would sneak into basement at night and game till a few hours before I knew my Father alarm goes off then catch a few hours of sleep before catching bus to middle school if there was a PC game I was really into but it was easier just to play on the console in my bedroom.

I was lucky and my parents did not really care what I installed on the PC and they did not game them selves so I did not really have to worry they going to open up a game like Duke Nukem 3d in 1996 and see a bunch of strippers in low rez ( I not even sure they would of cared as they was not particularly strict when it came to movies content so I doubt they would of been with games) but it still not same as having your own computer you can use.