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Chrono Trigger is great. The story is captivating, the music is legendary and the multiple endings was groundbreaking. But for some reason, I only ever wish to return for the music. Only finished it once on emulator and played it but did not finish the DS version. The frog theme and memories of a rusty robot still make me tear up a little. A worthy GotY but not my pick.

Full throttle is high on comedy as the other scrumm adventure games, but I think it pales in comparison to many other games in the genre.

I never liked Yoshi's Island. I looks great, but the gameplay was never captivating for me. And I know it is probably overstated but the annoying Mario screams is not cute or engaging and makes me want to play without sound or not at all which is a shame since the music is good.

Warcraft 2 got my vote this time. It was not the first RTS and it is not the best, but it is the first time the genre was great. Charm and variety won me over. Still play it from time to time today. Might be a bit of a cheat since it was not until the edition that the game really started to shine. But it is the game I want to return to the most from the year and as such it gets my vote.