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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Chazore said:

I stopped using GFE for multiple reasons that still persist to this day. Reasons like:

GFE suggests "ultra" for every fucking game and often at times at 4k res

GFE forgets my login multiple times during each week.

GFE still takes up some CPU/memory (Even with 16gb ram, I am still memory conscious, and GFE containers in task manager take up more memory combined than Steam's containers).

GFE overlay still doesn't play nice with games (just like how you see guides on PC Gaming wiki/Steam that suggest to disable Steam overlay for perf gains, the same is also said for GFE, and in cases for me, disabling it completely did net me gains).

I uninstalled GFE sometime last year and went with a fresh driver install, so now it's just Nvidia control panel and that's about it. I still think Nvidia control panel looks like garbo and feels super ancient (especially not helpful when ppl do those Nvidia guides, and there are certain additions to the panel that aren't there for me and that will never stop annoying).

The first reason and the main one for me originally using GFE in the first place was primarily for the GFE auto settings tuner for games, which still just fails at properly detecting your hw, looking up bench test data of that hw, combine the results and then tune game settings according to those benchmarks. Since Nvidia is doped up on the AI drug, maybe they should actually make use of their AI and actually have it work with GFE, so that that feature isn't a total waste of time and space. 

Imagine if GFE was accurate as fuck in detecting what settings you should use to 100% get a steady if not locked target framerate, all without you tweaking anything, that'd be amazing.

Yea it feels like GFE is made by underpaid highschool interns. It makes no sense why it's so shitty. The best thing Nvidia ever did is make that garbage optional during the installation process which is sad.

Like I don't even need GFE to be super accurate, I would like it to be some what accurate but instead, the optimizations it recommends can not only be wonky but when you apply it through GFE, it doesn't even apply them correctly from time to time.

Maybe Nvidia should come out with an Ai that can give tell them how to make that shat better cause boy, it has been terrible for over a decade.

Don't tempt them. Nvidia is already balls deep in AI than most tech companies already I have no doubt they're doing exactly that though considering GFE is such a core feature they include with their GPU lineup since they prompt you if you want to install the software when just installing a driver lol. Despite being optional, they still have that combo be the default selection. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind