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Hiku said:
zero129 said:

But like i did explain.

I was saying you didn't in this post:

You mentioned "many differences", but not which, and how/why that affects his counterpoints.

If you feel that you've properly explained that comment since then, that's fine. But that post of yours I initially responded to wasn't proper.
Regarding the substance rule, we've discussed it several times in modchat. It's not just there for the specific example that was given. 

zero129 said:

I am pretty sure if a user says your console is shit and gives an opinion of why he thinks so a user can reply back with just "thats a weak opinion i dont want to get into it with you".

Not if it gets reported, or a moderator sees it. Then they will be instructed to explain their position, and the Substance rule may get referenced.
We've done that many times, in order to avoid situations such as you and I described, or people copping out of discussions while still declaring 'victory', etc.

If you have any futher inquaries regarding the rules, please contact a moderator through PM. CGI, me, or whoever you wish.

Im just going to reply to the bolded and than honestly im done.

In my reply to you, i repeated what i already said in my reply to another user to him also about how he is leaving out how xbox still have not had most of their heavy hitters, how covid also had an effect on devs and hardware etc etc.

I honestly dont understand how you are ignoring them points. and i have to keep explaining this while you seem to be snipping them points out of the discussion and making it look like i never even replied back to him proper in the first place when i did and my 2nd reply was just me backing out.

I honestly dont need to take up the rules with CGI or you or whatever i honestly dont have a problem here so i dont know why one is being made out of nothing.