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Nice derailment lol. Arguing about analog sticks while switching between innovating, inventing and popularizing at will lol.

Anyway stop looking at the past. Sony did bring Foveated Rendering (PSVR) and now Eye Tracking Foveated Rendering (PSVR2) to VR first afaik. However there biggest recent 'innovation' is letting go of the Move controllers. They worked at the time and was an affordable continuation from eye toy to VR. Sure the Sense controllers copied everything from other controllers, for the better.

On the console front Sony has only been going backwards. No CD support, ps4 and ps5 pale in comparison to the PS3 when it comes to media center capabilities. I still prefer the ps3 UI and PS5's UI is a pita that I have to go into the game library since it won't put more than 10 games on the main screen... You first have to 'activate' a game parked in the library before you can check if they have an update, piss poor. (I guess the restriction is so auto-updates don't update your entire library?)

Series X is no better in the UI department and the 4K blu-ray player doesn't even remember where you left off. I put a blu-ray in ps3 and it still continues where I last left it, skipping all the FBI crap, starts playing straight away. I've been watching ST Strange new worlds and TloU on Series X (4K Blu-ray) and have to go through the FBI warnings and menus every night, it doesn't even remember my language settings. Just poor. (Maybe ps5 does it better yet Series X is on the 4K HDR port of my tv since PS5 is just doing VR for now)

Nintendo ditched the 2nd screen functionality by having to stick the Switch inside the dock. It would have been so much better to have TotK's UI in my hands with touch screen controls while playing HUD free on TV. As a console gamer WiiU to Switch was a downgrade.

And now both MS and Sony are ready to ditch the disc drive entirely. Consoles keep getting less features instead of more.

However I played GT7 again on PSVR2 last night, simply amazing. It's a shame the UI is still 2D, as well as the pit stops (very jarring), yet being able to seamlessly drive in VR in the entire game is a game changer. TotK delivered the innovation in game design. BG3 showed what RPGs can do with choices. FS2020 showed the real power of the Cloud. Plenty stuff still to get excited about, just not console hardware anymore. (counting PSVR2 as an peripheral)