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Spade said:

Tales of Symphonia kinda overrated. Not really getting the love for this. Maybe if they modernized some of the aspects, but in 2023, this aint that special pal.

I feel like whatever Tales game is a persons first Tales game is usually their favorite, and each one after that they like less and less.  Tales of Symphonia was my first Tales game, and I beat it at least 3 times on the Gamecube.  I haven't had a chance to play the remaster, which I believe they downgraded from the Gamecube's 60fps to 30fps on the remaster.  Maybe I was just starved for a good rpg, since I went the whole N64 generation without one, but I really enjoyed all of the characters, the story, the combat.  I would have to play it again, to see how much the game has aged.