My opinion on Starfield so far. I am loving the game other users are loving the game, the Reviews are lower than i expected.
But its expected since they went exclusive they where going to get some kind of backlash on that.
However i feel looking at CP2077 and NMS they are going to patch this game to shit, and they are going to patch it some more and beyond.
Before they launch their first expansion for this game they are going to make sure imo by the time it launches and gets reviewed it becomes a 90+ game in all Reviewers eyes.
I already know its their most polished game to date but they can do more.
They no longer have to worry about running out of money, imo starting with this game i think they no longer want to be the studio who launch their games broken and let the fan fix them.
Some users want this game to be something its not. and i see users saying add landing on planets etc like No Mans Sky and stuff other Space Sims do.
And all i have to say is its not a "Space Sim" Its an "RPG with a space setting".
People didnt compare Mass Effect to other space sims at the time, and say how come mass effect cant allow you to travel where you want in the galaxy etc...
Why do they expect that now from an RPG not a Space sim??. This is an RPG with a Space setting and "IMO" one of the best RPG's with a space setting if not the best ever. And how much this game can grow and is going to grow just makes me excited everytime i think about it .