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Switzerland's pathetic "neutrality" only helps Russia. It is easy to be "neutral" when you're surrounded by allies and at no threat at all, they hide behind stronger countries with more courage to protect them while Switzerland only cares purely about their own self-interests. It isn't neutrality, it's them playing both sides so they always win. They want to keep both EU and Russia happy.

Often, neutrality is used as an excuse to hide the real reasons, one of those could be cowardice and the other could be greed, a fear of losing money and relationships that you have with the aggressor, both of these things help the aggressor to continue their campaign of violence, if the entire world was this pathetically "neutral" then countries like Russia would take whatever country they wanted to.

Switzerland should consider how they would like it if they were ever attacked and all their "allies" turned around and said that they couldn't help Switzerland because we're now neutral. Looking the other way and ignoring it just helps evil. We wouldn't think twice about aiding Switzerland, it would be the right thing to do.

Almost wish that countries would just ignore Switzerland and send shit to Ukraine anyway...What are they going to do? Sue us? Bitch and moan? Stop supplying us and destroy their military industry? I don't know why any sane country after this would continue buying from Switzerland, imagine if a NATO country were to be attacked and we couldn't send them aid because Switzerland won't allow it, I doubt we'd listen to them then.

Just have to imagine if Ukraine was in NATO and still attacked. I imagine either two scenarios, we send Ukraine Switzerland made tanks that we purchased from them and ignore their whining or we roll into Ukraine with those tanks ourselves to attack Russia with and at that point what difference does it make? The end result is the same, Switzerland made tanks being used to kill Russians.

Switzerland is a country of pure greed.