UPON the joint application by Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"), the Competition and Markets Authority ("the CMA") and Activision Blizzard, Inc. ("Activision") for orders that these proceedings be stayed and the hearing of the application currently listed to begin on 23 October 2023 be adjourned
IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The substantive hearing of the application shall be adjourned. 2. These proceedings shall be stayed pending the outcome of the CMA's consultation process for consent to close under Microsoft and Activision Merger Inquiry Order 2023 and proposed undertakings in lieu of reference pursuant to section 73 of the Enterprise Act 2002 in the anticipated acquisition by Microsoft of Activision (excluding Activision's nonEEA cloud streaming rights).
1590/4/12/23 Microsoft Corporation v Competition and Markets Authority - Order of the President (Stay and adjournment of the October hearing) | 25 Sep 2023 (catribunal.org.uk)