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Thanks alot, @trunkswd!

Switch's worldwide estimates, considering the time of its life cycle, continue to be nothing less but impressive. Nearly 1m for the month of August, damn. 140mil - 145mil lifetime seem very likely here.

PS5's worldwide estimates are great, as well. 640k more units sold than PS4 in the same month in 2016. That's a pretty big statement.

If the PS5 continues to provide estimates like this or even higher, which is very likely for the months of September, October, November and December, it will reach the milestone of having doubled Xbox Series' total sales by December '23, at the latest.

I don't love companies, but I love pure data.

When I cautiously combine data and recent leaks about the Xbox Series brand, I start considering possible outcomes of this console generation already. We all do, I guess.

Although I won't form any conclusions just yet, it's, by pure data, safe to say that Microsoft needs much effort to catch up in 2024. I don't see anything that has already been announced by them for 2024 that is able to pull that off.

Unless they come up with a raw change of strategy and IPs (either Thirds or Firsts) receiving great reviews, 2024 could be quite disastrous for them in terms of hardware sales.