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Shatts said:
EpicRandy said:


You really think what you wrote? Do you really think it's okay for one company to become leaders in multiple markets? Is it okay for big companies to continue acquiring medium to smaller sized one? You missed a lot of my point, but I'm not gonna go in detail anymore. The problem isn't market ranking or whatever, it's the fact that Microsoft isn't doing much that helps the industry with their money. Instead they are using it to buy others to reach that status and earn more money. How can people defend this? They aren't even trying to create something on their own, these acquisitions should be to help small studios financially at the very least. Use them for more innovation. The Xbox is always the least innovative and uninspiring. That's all I gotta say

Do you really think it's okay for one company to become leaders in multiple markets?

If the market competitiveness is preserved yes. And the current transaction has been scrutinized as hell and nothing points to any lessening of competitiveness in any market with any foreseeable and reasonable outcome that hasn't/isn't in the process of being remedied.

Is it okay for big companies to continue acquiring medium to smaller sized one?

It's called the free market, you can reverse the question and ask: is it okay to remove the rights of medium to smaller-sized players to sell themselves to a bigger one because you feel like the larger player has grown too much for your liking? 

it's the fact that Microsoft isn't doing much that helps the industry with their money

That's new, now we are supposed to expect MS to act in a philanthropic manner with their gaming division? Do you really view other players as 'helping' the industry like you expect MS should? All I see is a bunch of players fighting for the lion's share as they are expected to.

Instead they are using it to buy others to reach that status and earn more money.

So pretty much business as usual.

How can people defend this?

There's nothing that needs defending or attacking, people just need to understand that it's a free market and acquisitions are simply part of the game.

They aren't even trying to create something on their own

They created 2 new studios in the last 5 years, which is more than their direct competitors and they also have studios working on brand-new IPs. So this statement is simply false.

These acquisitions should be to help small studios financially at the very least.

They did expand studios far beyond their initial capacity after acquiring them (those acquired in 2018-2019 mainly) so they are doing what you think they should be doing. 

Use them for more innovation. The Xbox is always the least innovative and uninspiring

That's only subjective, many will argue GamePass with its day one title is the best innovation to hit the gaming industry lately and it prompted many others to copy the model. Now if you look at things and choose what innovation should count and what does not count any one entity can be shown to be the least innovative or uninspiring.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 21 September 2023