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zero129 said:
mjk45 said:

I'm not saying he should step aside but like Miyamoto there comes a time where you need to delegate mentor and groom successors,btw Zelda seems to be doing well and in Bethesda's case the over reliance on a few key people sees some of their prime IPs languishing and MS and Bethesda need to address that problem because at the end of the day it isn't good from a production pipeline or roi sense to have some of your biggest games sitting in a queue.   

So what do you think the backlash would be if MS made Todd step away?. To you you might think the quality is going down but for me Starfield is the best game Beth has made in years so its all subjective. Also we dont know if Todd isnt teaching someone to step in for him.

Edit i do agree with you that they should allow some others to work on some of the ips too. But like i said we also dont know if that will be the case its still early days.

Like I said it's not about making Todd or anyone else step away that wouldn't be in anyone's best interest, it's about looking at Bethesda and seeing what MS can do to improve the company and looking in from outside production is an issue, in this case it not one of struggling to make IPs that sell but of meeting demand for those IP in a reasonable timeframe and this is the opportune time to do something about that situation on two sides, on the creative side you use the time to set up a pathways that help to mentor delegate and groom the future,Todd's of the world, then there's the financial side that sees you invest in capability that allows for lets say a hypothetical pipeline that would see one entry each of the Elder scrolls Fallout and Starfield games across the gen or something similar to be achievable.

Last edited by mjk45 - on 20 September 2023

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