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Kyuu said:

"Better Together" had a more literal meaning that anyone thought!

Nintendo will adapt and expand naturally in a way that Phil Spencer and other suits are incapable of envisioning. Xbox without Microsoft's endless cash reserves is an embarrassment. And Phil is just not nearly as perceptive or clever or kind as his children and worshippers appear to think he is. I honestly never hated the guy (Actually, he often comes across as likeable, and even sincere at times. As far as suits go anyway) but it's hard to ignore the numerous poor judgements and silly statements he made.

Microsoft can't help themselves. They're as monopolistic a company as they come. Quit consuming their "competition is good" BS. Them fuckers would be over the moon if Valve, Nintendo and Activision Blizzard go under their wing... and would throw a party if Sony goes out of business. Other corporations are probably not all that different but fortunately they have neither Microsoft's money nor ambition. So their threats aren't as serious or immediate.

No one had the Money Sony had when they first entered too. I guess thats how the world works the is always bigger fish in the pond...