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Leynos said:
mjk45 said:

Starfield was in production for years so MS's impact in regard to Starfield is minimal, its what happens going forward that matters, MS bought Bethesda knowing their strengths and weaknesses, so as long as they facilitate those strengths and in turn look at remedying weaknesses like Bethesda's over reliance on a few key players like Todd Howard,by encouraging more mentoring delegation and giving the the creative staff more responsibility so you end up in a better position going forward, that along with further investment would then enable more games to be in various stages of production. so if they don't over interfere and  stick to just those type of decisions and let Bethesda do what it built its success on it will be fine.

And if we give credit for Starfield to MS then also have to credit them with the failure of Redfall.

Yes we should. In both cases. MS didnt step in and Push Beth at all in both games to change or do anything. Beth gets to run itself but its success and failures still land on both Ms and Beth.