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Machina said:

The early Nintendo home consoles were never that popular in Europe; neither I nor any of my friends owned any of them up until the N64 (and that was rare - my first Nintendo home console was the Wii for example). I didn't even know Mario platformers existed until I saw someone playing what must have been Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on a GBC during a school trip.

Same in the Netherlands where I grew up. Nintendo didn't really get that popular until the N64. My nephews had a SNES, no one else I knew back then had one. C64 and MSX were more popular. Systems where you only needed a dual tape deck to copy games from friends!

HoloDust said:

I'm not proud to say that few of us that had Amiga or Atari ST were not so kind to our friends who were gaming on PC back in 80s. Solid part of it was due to sound.

One of my close friends had C64 and Amgia 500. I spend a lot of time there. Before Soundblaster and VGA PC was not all that pretty. By the 90s PC got better and sadly Amiga 500 lost steam. It's successors never gained much traction. My friend switched to PC in the 90s. I remember taking a suitcase full of 3.5" disks over to this place to copy hundreds of games to get him started.

And yep, great sound on Amiga. He also had a Gameshark thingie for the Amiga (dunno what it was called back then) so you could easily track a couple parameters in memory (health, armor, ammo, lives) and alter them while playing. No need to download 'trainers' as on PC or hex edit savegames to cheat.