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theRepublic said:
EpicRandy said:

Too little too late IMO.

Devs are abandoning Unity every day either starting the process to rewrite ongoing projects or switching engines for their next. 

Unity just killed their name with this, even if they 100% backtrack, the engine will still be seen as a liability for devs rather than an asset as they'll remain dependent on the whims of a shortsighted CEO. 

At the very least to gain back confidence, Riccitiello must be shown the exit, and Unity must update its current policy in a binding way for them not to be able to do so again.

Looking at the post by Chazore above about the new board of directors, a new CEO isn't going to change anything.  Until the board changes, Unity is completely untrustworthy.

That will happen for sure in one way or another, but it is very unlikely in the window of time that would be necessary here to salvage any existing relationship. kicking Riccitiello out might not be enough yet it is the first step to take (with a reversal of the policy of course) and it must be taken very quickly. However, With Unity's latest response, it's even unlikely they'll deliver a full reversal this week and if they don't then there'll be no way to salvage anything, even a full board change would be too late.

In all likelihood, Unity is simply dead, the only way I see for it to exist in 2024 is after a buyout of some sort, but that won't happen until the stock stabilizes to a new low or the company is dissolved and assets are sold. Again far too late to salvage any relationships which means Unity would then have to rebuild it's pool of users from the ground.